Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Well the ticket has been purchased! This journey, this whole process has not been easy. I have made it harder than it has to be. I struggle with sins of unbelief and legalism. Over the last weeks, I doubted that I should go. I sought counsel, and even in that...still I doubted. With more counsel, I was again encouraged to go, to be obedient. I had read over a passage in Jeremiah, and it says 31:21 "Set up road signs; put up guideposts. Take note of the highway, the road you take." God is speaking to Israel, they wander and are unfaithful, that's me. God has ordained this time in my life strategically, the details of this journey, they are of Him. God is sovereign.  I think that we so easily get so consumed what God's will is for our life is or that we will mess it up. But Proverbs states that it is God who directs our steps, even in our own plans, it's His that prevail. So I have a lot to grow in, for the rest of this life here on earth, but be encouraged those who are downcast and have unbelief, oh my soul, know that God, He is faithful and good, he restores us to Him and makes all those who come to Him through Christ, new!