Saturday, April 27, 2013

3 days and counting...3 days, wow. Over these past weeks, God's provision for this trip continue. You know, He is a good God. He's good. My parents give good gifts, like my dog, Tooley, Disney, my car :). But the Bible says: That my parents, who are sinners, (saved by God's grace), if they give good gifts, then my Heavenly Father, He gives greater than that. Gifts that are the best. So, He has poured out his blessings over this trip. I need to remind myself of His goodness. We can get so caught up in ourselves and self-pity, and not praise Him for His goodness. He's always good. One of the things I have seen and was convicted of is giving. I am selfish. I have seen friends give because they wanted to. They gave out of joy. It's not that they had all this extra money flowing in, but they gave because they love Christ and therefore love me. I think one of the best gifts we can give, is like the widow, (I am preaching to myself, too) in God's Word. She gave only a little amount in the world's eyes. But, she gave out of all she had. To give, when you have nothing to keep. That's what God wants. Our lives, everything, for us to trust in Christ with it all. That's hard. I struggle with it and still His grace is greater.
You know, God is good, when we call to Him, when we confess, when we are broken. But even when we don't, He is always good.  You may find yourself not really being sure about who He is, who His Son is. But He can show you, seek Him and you will find Him, when you seek Him with all of your heart.