Thursday, July 18, 2013

It's July 18th, July goes by fast. I had committed to about 3 months and soon that time is coming to an end...this week was another trip to Mbale for CURE appointments, a children's hospital that especially deals with neuro children here in Uganda. Children walk home from school in their school uniforms..a rainbow of, bright green, blue and white checkers..we have "little pumpkins" here in Jinja, with their orange and green uniforms. We have also named others "eggplants" and "blueberries"! I had the opportunity to meet a team with 99 Balloons that came to volunteer with Ekisa. They had activities for the children and also had a dinner that was for the community care children and their of the door prizes..a goat! It may not seem much of a gift back at home, but one of our Mommas one the goat and from what I was told, she cried and was very thankful for the prize she won. During this time here, the Lord has worked on my heart...anything good that you see out of this is because of Jesus... I know is ugly what is on the inside...think about how you never have to teach a child to sin...nope, it is just part of who we are when we are birthed into this world. Still..something that I need to remind myself more often is that the grace of Jesus Christ is greater than the sins we have committed and even in Christ, the sins we commit ( I know this is a long non proper English sentence). Even in His grace, He has allowed me to come to be part of a ministry called Ekisa, which means "grace." I try and attain grace, but it can't be is even Jesus that draws us to himself ...I have been part of that...He draws me, He is drawing others to himself. That is the gospel...drawing the filthy, unlovely, hurting, needy, on and on people to Himself...for life with Him here but also life after this Earth...He draws us...will you come and rest at His feet? It is hard for me to be still...often (like a whole lot) I don't want to...I would rather pray to God, than be still and listen to Him. So I don't have it all together, nor will I until I reach my home with the Father and Jesus. My time is almost finished during this amount the Lord allowed...but it was just part of the journey that He has me on..."I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and future, Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, July 1, 2013

Life here

The sun is in and out and it's hot.. Got a cold glass bottled coke in Kimaka with a straw (Not a big fan of water..can you tell?) In the evenings and mornings it gets cool here, which you may think "Africa=hot" but not always. I have said it already, but it is beautiful here! It's so green and a lot of crops: corn, sugar cane, and tea. Then of course you will see the baby chicks, chickens, roosters, goats, cows roaming around. I got to feed the neighbor's pet monkey this past week, Jack! It is really cute, though today it must have come loose because it did not want to come to Mal or I and so it wandered to the nearby neighbors' yard. Our house is still mostly full. The summer months are busy with people on mission trips and volunteers here in Jinja. People are here with different stories of how they came to volunteer at Ekisa, from different parts of the country, different stages of life. It is neat how you can become friends with people fast. It's good being able to talk with someone, hang out, pray together with new friends..friendships are so great and God has blessed me with new friends here. Yesterday several girls and I were in town, at first a few of us attempted to go to Market where you can buy all sorts of things...produce, meat, wire hangers, and then you can go to an open air clothing market..African thrift store style! Though the clothing market was closed yesterday, so I am sure that we will go soon. It has been almost been 2 months since I have been here, I have learned how to do different things! No, I don't know where I will go next or exactly what I will be doing in the next year, but He knows. I know I have a home to go home to, I have friends I get to spend time with, family to be with, and a precious little nephew on the way in August! Until then, I have time here, time to live here, eat rice, beans, g-nut sauce (like a peanut), laugh, be part of life here. Until next time!