Friday, January 25, 2013

The God of details, perfect timing, perfect details, The God who hears, has opened the door for me to go to Uganda, Africa, to help serve as a nurse to special needs children at Ekisa.  Back in 2011 I sent a girl living in Uganda a message over facebook asking if they had medical teams that worked with the ministry.  Aug 2012, I sent a more detailed message asking if she needed a RN or knew of another place that would need one. Sep 26, 2012 I got a reply! Over the months we would correspond leading me to a nurse working in Jinja, Uganda with special needs children for a ministry called Ekisa. I had also pursued in applying for a job as a nurse for a local cardiology clinic. Well, I had an opportunity to interview with the clinic this January. The day I interviewed with the Dr I would be working for, I was at dinner with friends and had received a message from Erika, the nurse in Uganda. She wanted to know if we could do a skype interview! January 23, 2013 is a day that is a testimony to the goodness of the Lord.  The day before I received a phone call from the cardiology clinic stating that the Dr was still very interested in me and they would be attempting to start paper work. That evening I asked Erika if we could skype the following morning, and we did. January 23, we skyped for about an hour, after internet reception mishaps and lots of questions later, I still was not sure what to do. That morning, I met with a dear friend of mine for breakfast. During this time, I received a phone call from  the cardiology clinic, they were offering the job to me. It was truly an incredible offer. I told them I had an opportunity to serve in Africa and could let them know Monday. They needed an answer sooner than that and were going to have to move along in order to find another nurse. The two women were so encouraging and kind and encouraged me to go to Africa! So what else do girls do, but cry? So, there I was in Chickfila with my friend, crying, but not sad tears. The Lord had just showered His blessing on me.  I spoke with my manager that day and told her I was going to Africa, she is allowing me to take a leave of absence from work! Not only has the Lord allowed the door to open for Africa, but he also has allowed me to have a job when I return. The details over the last week have been incredible. I don't know what the future holds. But He does. He is a God of gracious details, He is my God that hears and heals. It's going to be an incredible journey, and all the glory may it be for Him. The plan is to leave in May and stay for about 3 months. Truth that my friend spoke while she prayed for me before the skype interview was from Is 55:8-9 stating that His ways and His thoughts are higher than mine and they aren't my thoughts or ways, amen!

1 comment:

  1. Dear sister in the Lord Longsrre,

    So good to know you through your profile on the blogger. I am also glad to go through your post on your Blog " there are no Orphans of God". How true it is. It is so good to know about your time with the Orphans in Uganda.

    Well about me, I am in the Pastoral ministry for last 33yrs in the great city of Mumbai a city with great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live with a population of 18 million of which half of the population live in the slums of Mumbai and those who live in the slums are the people who are poor, marginalized, underprivileged and socially, economically and politically oppressed. We reach out to such people with the love of Christ to bring healing to the broken hearted and to give them new hope, future and purpose in their lives. We also encourage young people as well as adults from the West to come and bring good new to the poor and release the oppressed. We would love to have registered Nurses like you to come and bring physical as well as spiritual healing to the people. I did write an email to you on the email id that is given in the profile but the mail has bounced back. I would love to be in touch with you to be encouraged and encourage you and pray for you. My email id is <
