Saturday, May 11, 2013

So, I made it! I made it here last Friday :). I am in town and recently had a chocolate croissant and a bottled coke, and I am getting a good connection for internet! It is for sure been out of my comfort zone here. I have the opportunity to ride on motorcycles (called botas here). I would be lying if I said I was not afraid. The driving here, well it's an understood craziness. There are geckos in the house, which is good, they eat the bugs, as long as they stay away form near the top of my bed or in it:)  As many of you may know, I am here help fill in for Erika the RN working at Ekisa Ministries. This week I have been to different parts of Uganda, been to a zoo, been to clinics, walked in town, tasted the local food, drank hot tea, and haven't drank much coffee (got the instant coffee today!) and what could take maybe a shorter amount of time to get somewhere, ends up being longer, traffic can get congested. I had the opportunity to meet other RN/missionaries here in town yesterday, which was so good. I have been able to see how things are run at Ekisa. The children here  loved on, cared for, Emily teaches, children visit Dr's, they do art, crafts. There is a lot that goes on Ekisa. One such even that took place this week, was a trip to a zoo! So all the children except one (needed a clinic appointment) were packed up and traveled to the zoo. It took planning, food, changes of clothes, volunteers, diapers, mammas,  ( this is what they call the women that help care for the children here, the volunteers that come are aunties and uncles), and more. It took a drive to get there, it was near the airport in Entebee. So after about maybe 2.45 min to maybe close to 3 hrs of travel, The children first ate a snack, on grass shared with monkeys that were out in the front part of the zoo, ya know the "steal your food & get to close to you" monkeys. In fact monkeys jumped on one of the children and another grabbed food out of the volunteers hands. Then as I was sitting on the ground, I felt what I first thought was maybe rain water. But then there was more coming down, I looked up, yep one was going to the bathroom in the tree above me, and way to close to me.
My friends and family, I am blessed to have them. I have been encouraged not just with words but with words from Him. I am thankful for the notes that my friends and family wrote. Encouragement is so important. Even my sweet GA girls wrote notes to encourage me, even instruct me! It's been tough, but His grace is so sufficient, now if I can trust in Him and His word. Pray that I will.
Thank you for praying for me, encouraging me. Until next post!:)


  1. So proud of you, Sarah! Praying for you.. <3

  2. Loved the update and love you! Continuing to pray for you, Sarah! His grace is sufficient :) Remember, God picked YOU for this.
