Saturday, June 20, 2009

End of the fourth week and tomorrow(Father's Day) starts the 5th ...this morning the team from Peachtree UMC of Atlanta, Georgia left to head back to Managua tomorrow... they did a lot while they were here.. they did VBS, construction, helping paint at HCN...what a great group of youth that served! The team was a blessing and I enjoyed fellowship! I was able to go with some of the group for VBS three mornings this week...others in their group helped build two houses! Today 9 of the older girls at HCN were able to move into their new beautiful house! Tonight two new groups are coming here to El Ayudante... one group close to home...Southhaven, MS.. the other is a medical team coming..I am excited to help with the med team and look forward to this week! Today Megan, Amy, and I went into Leon... I had a new experience today and got to ride in a was only $2.50 for the 3 of us to be taken back to El Ayudante..not too far from the center of Leon. Yesterday I went with Leslie, a sweet friend and translator, to the barrio right by El Ayudante and bought min for my phone and bought 3 bottled small cokes for $33 cordovas...$20 cordovas = $ US 1! Pretty cool! Megan was sick for many days here but is now doing great which is a praise! So tomorrow is Father's Day in the States... so Dad...Happy Father's Day! I hope you have a great day...wish I could spend the day with you..I think next year Brazil it is and you will just have to come! Dad I am so blessed to have you as my father... a dad who loves the Lord and has demontrated the love of the Father to me, Logan, Katie, and Daniel. Right now I am wearing my St Louis cards hat.. how cool it is that I get to spend time with you at baseball of my favorite times I spend with you! Dad you have done so much for me and provided so much for your thanks for all of your hard work and of course being able to talk medical talk with you..I have a lot to learn..I suppose I could learn a little from the pharmacy field :)! I love you so much dad..thanks for the example you have set! See you here in about 2 weeks...I am ready for that coffee!! Tchau dad until next time I talk to you..butterfly kisses!


  1. You're so sweet! And your dad is pretty much the bomb-you can tell him I said so!! I miss you guys and I hope you are enjoying your time there and that God is moving in tangible ways for you and those around you!
    Lots of love,

  2. here. You caught me off guard this morning when I read your blog. Had to stop and re-group...yep cried like I did when you were there with me in Brasil 2006 father's day. I'm the one that has had the abundant life not only through Christ but because you're my daughter. You have made me strong and sensitive; You have made me make me laugh...our Starbucks coffee dates are the will always be my little 'grill'. Eu te're biggest fan...your dad

  3. Hi Sarah Just wanted to say hello and can not wait to see all the pictures and stories that you have to share. Love ya ..Uncle Dave

  4. Hey Jennifer!! Thanks so much for your sweet message and encouragement...Love you guys much! Say hey to the kiddos and Paul!
    Hey daddy! I hope you had a good day today.. I love you so are amazing! Hasta luego!
    Hey Uncle Dave! Thanks for the sweet message...I need to get pics up..I am not the best at that..I will have to work on that! Love you!
